Executive Directors |
Mr. Lau Siu Ying, aged 60, is the founder, Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer of the Company since 1992. Mr. Lau
has extensive working experiences in the telecommunications
industry for over 25 years and has established solid business
contacts in both Hong Kong and the PRC. Mr. Lau is responsible
for directing the Group’s overall business policy and strategies
as well as overseeing the Group’s business development in
Hong Kong and the PRC. Prior to setting up his business, Mr.
Lau worked for Hutchison Whampao Group for approximately
5 years, in charge of the business development of the
telecommunications in the PRC. Mr. Lau holds a bachelor
degree in Business Administration from the Chinese University
of Hong Kong and a Master of Science degree in Information
Technology from the National University of Ireland, Dublin.
Mr. Lau is currently the trustee in New Asia College of The
Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Board Councilor of
China Mobile Communications Association. In the aspects of
social and economic activities, Mr. Lau is devoted to promoting
economic and educational development. He served as the vice
president of the Hong Kong Association of Jieyang, the honorary
president of Shanghai Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce,
Hong Kong and Macau Director of the Dongguan City Youth
Federation and the vice president of Hong Kong Island Chaoren
Association Limited. |
Ms. Lau Zi Yin, Michelle, aged 26, obtained a Bachelor’s degree in finance from UBC Sauder School
of Business — The University of British Columbia in 2020. She has extensive
experience in corporate development strategy, sales and marketing functions, export
marketing and product development, online and offline retail operations in China.
Mr. Li Jianwu, aged 41, has over ten years of experience in mergers and acquisitions. Mr. Li
obtained a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a master degree in business
administration from University of South China and Sun Yat-sen University, in 2003 and
2008, respectively. Mr. Li is currently the managing director of an equity fund management
firm in Hunan of the People’s Republic of China (the ‘‘PRC’’). He is also life associate
member of China Angel Federation* (中國天使聯合匯) and an executive director of
Software Association Blockchain of the PRC* (中國軟件協會區塊鏈分會).
Independent non-executive Directors |
Dr. Law Chun Kwan, aged 58, was appointed as an
Independent Non-executive Director of the Company in June
2012. Dr. Law has extensive working experience in various
business fields including advertising, telecommunications,
information technology and real estate development in both
Hong Kong and the PRC. Dr. Law is presently engaged in
real estate development business in the PRC. Dr. Law holds a
bachelor degree of social science from the Chinese University
of Hong Kong, a master degree of e-business and a doctorate
degree of business administration in information systems from
the Edith Cowan University, Western Australia. |
Dr. Lo Wai Shun, aged 63, holds a bachelor degree in sciences and a master degree in philosophy from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and a doctorate degree in Physics from Brown University, United States of America (“U.S.A.”). He is also Adjunct Professor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Visiting Professor of Peking University (School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship). Dr. Lo is currently a general partner of DL Capitals, an angel investment fund focusing on disruptive and exponential technologies and has over 20 years of experience in Intellectual Property Commercialization, Business Models Innovation and Technology Transfer. Dr. Lo was a Senior Researcher at Harvard Business School’s Asia-Pacific Research Center. He had conducted many consulting projects for institutions and PE funds such as Hong Kong Government (regulatory policy), IFC of World Bank (Investment strategy in China), Intellectual Ventures (Invention Network) and had advised many startups in the past. |
Mr. Leung Wai Hung, aged 56, has more than 20 years working experience in various listed companies
in Hong Kong mainly engaged in property business including Cheung Kong (Holdings)
Limited (now known as CK Hutchison Holdings Limited) (stock code: 001). Mr. Leung also
has extensive financial experience in initial public offering (“IPO”), merger and acquisition
as well as fund raising and is familiar with the business environment of both Hong Kong and
the Mainland China. In addition, Mr. Leung has extensive experience in real estate investment
trusts (“REIT”).
He participated in the IPO setup of the first private sector REIT, Prosperity
REIT (stock code: 808) in Hong Kong in 2005 and worked for the manager of Fortune REIT
(stock code: 778) as a Finance Director from 2011 to 2012. Fortune REIT was dually listed
in both Hong Kong and Singapore. Other than property business, he has also worked as the
financial controller of Shougang Concord International Enterprises Company Limited (now
known as Shoucheng Holdings Limited) (stock code: 697) (“SCIECL”) from 2013 to 2018.
SCIECL is a state-owned enterprise and a member of Shougang Group Co., Ltd, one of the
top 10 steel producers in the world. Mr. Leung was an independent non-executive director
of Beaver Group (Holding) Company Limited (stock code: 8275), a listed company on GEM
of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”) from 22 September
2017 to 28 February 2021. Mr. Leung has also been an independent non-executive director of
Fineland Living Services Group Limited (formerly known as Fineland Real Estate Services
Group Limited), (stock code: 9978) (“Fineland”) since 23 October 2017. Fineland was a
company listed on GEM of the Stock Exchange since 15 November 2017 and transferred its
listing from GEM to the Main Board of the Stock Exchange on 28 May 2020. |